Today, the much-anticipated trailer for Yudhra has been unveiled. The film features Siddhant Chaturvedi, Malavika Mohanan, Ram Kapoor, Raghav Juyal, Gajraj Rao, Raj Arjun, and Shilpa Shukla in key roles, and is set to hit the screens on
September 20, 2024.
September 20, 2024.
The trailer is filled with thrilling action sequences, showcasing Siddhant Chaturvedi’s character grappling with issues of anger management. The love story between Malavika Mohanan’s Nikhat and Siddhant’s Yudhra is also highlighted, as Nikhat urges Yudhra to manage his temper.
The film is produced by Ritesh Sidhwani and Farhan Akhtar. Siddhant Chaturvedi was last seen in Kho Gaye Hum Kahan, while Malavika Mohanan appeared in Thangalaan.
Watch the trailer below: